Introducing Information and Communication Technologies to Schools in Slovenia

abstract | author | presentation

Global computer networks introduce new ways of communication and learning, it is therefore important that schools are among the first to both embrace and teach what we call "Net literacy". Introducing ICT into the educational process is nevertheless a very complex task. How can an NREN help? In Slovenia, ARNES provides network resources to schools, teachers and students, with extensive support for online school projects. Such support involves lots of individual work with network users, especially teachers, and close collaboration with project coordinators, local network managers and Ministry of education. We also encourage schools to co-operate, build powerful local networks and leverage fast connections to Internet. Communication among all participants in such processes is crucial and we try to evaluate different communication tools and provide support for them if possible.

In seven years of working with teachers, students and the Internet, we have learned that

1. the most important thing we can do is to encourage people to collaborate,
2. live communication beats everything.

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