Telecommunication infrastructure of Research Institutes of the Ministry of Agriculture in Azerbaijan

abstract | author | presentation

Ms. Gular Jabbarova is a Head of Telecom Department at Baku Scientific and Training Centre (BSTC). She came to BSTC from the Baku State University in Azerbaijan, where she received Ms degree in Physics and started to work as computer engineer.

Ms. Jabbarova has good experience in several international projects: UNESCO Projects named as "Support for Telematics Application Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States", "Creating Multimedia Training Courses on MsOffice2000", FAO project AgroWeb-Azerbaijan, Free Software (open source) Catalogue. Currently she is working under the Unesco project "Creating Regional Network Academy"
As a Microsoft Certified Professional she was recognized by Microsoft as an expert with the technical skills and knowledge needed to implement and support solutions with the Microsoft products.
Took an active part at several International conferences.

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