In my School as the professional
school (Medical) it has very narrowed educational curriculum of
Informatics and great necessity of the workers and students from
school in introducing Internet. That was the main reason for starting
this project as a way of substitution for inadequate curriculum
now using free teaching activities.
It's ampliasired in the presentation:
Why have these pages been stored,
How have they been stored, (making groups of students, Internet
training courses for teachers and students; teachers co-operates
through the themes of their interest)
Positive experiences (great students interests and creativities,
new teachers ideas)
Negative experiences (problem of initial motivation, "teacher's
Further course (independently discovery creation of new using
Internet through teaching and in a free time)
Making WEB pages of Croatian lenguage (lectures onlines)
Teachers are interested in presentation of their own professional
works, and make more possibilities for students to spread additional
learning. In that way this project fined the aim and purpose in
professional high school like this
One of the main purposes of this project is also to provide co-operation
with another similar institutions in Croatia and abroad.