Zlatko Papes, BA

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Born in Zagreb 1953.07.16. Croatia.
Graduated from the Zagreb University Faculty of Arts with a major in Phonetic, Pedagogy and study of Informatics at the Zagreb Faculty of Arts. Currently in the process of producing the Ph.D. thesis from the area on informatics hypermedia. CARNet koordinator on Medical Faculty. Completion of the CARNet course "Training the Trainers" for the first generation of participants. Consultant, web-developer, web-master and coordinator in web-education and information hypermedia on School of Medicine.

- Among the founder of the Section for Interdisciplinary Cooperation of the Society of Zagreb University Teacher
- Initiative for the introduction of the study of Humanistic Informatics (human machine relationship and many other social and humanistic aspects of informatics) at Faculty of Art
- Coordinator of web-oriented education in Zagreb Medical School and information development at Campus Salata; Co-author of low-cost web-kiosk prototype; Labs for knowledge presentation (CuC'99)
- Fluency in information communication in all subjects in primary and secondary schools as strategy interest for information development of Croatia (INFO'99)

- Informatic tools for analyzing Croatian language made on NU Algol (concordances of Croatian old and contemporary literature), KVANAL - program for quantitative analyses of qualitative data (cluster, contingencies, etc), ethnographic multimedia free-text database, name "pragmatem" for text-tags and codes (Institute of Culure of the Republic Croatia, Institute of Linguistics of the Faculty of Arts) - Biblyometric evaluation of Croatian journals at the end of the 20 Century - Implementation of optical reading of school-tests with mark-sensible reading on Scantron readers at Medical Schools - Co-author in low-cost web-kiosk prototype - Papers in web-education, models for teachers support, indicator of scientific communicability of Croatian journals and structural markup languages. Special Interests: Creative, harmonic and fluency using of information and knowledge in education, communication and publication. Web-oriented education, speech and pragmatics aspect in man-machine communication. Metadata, Java, JavaScript and other scripting languages, HTML, SGML/XML, SSML.